Monday, November 22, 2010


I have been experiencing some very unusual things as of late. I thought I would start a blog recording all that is happening to me.

It all started back several months ago...or so I thought. I was having a very hard time sleeping. I kept waking up in the night and eventually had to go to a sleep clinic so my sleep patterns could be studied. They came to the conclusion that I had insomnia and I was prescribed sleeping pills and was refered to a sleep therapist. I went to the sleep therapist for 4 or 5 sessions and then realised that it basically not for me.

I took the sleeping pills regularly but continued to awake in the night. I started to notice that I was awakening at 3:33am. At first I thought it was a coincidence. After 6 to 7 times of waking up at this exact time I realised that something was going on with me. I got a bit scared. I told my husband about it and he shrugged it off and said it was just a cioncidence. The next night I awoke in the night and was afraid to look at the alarm clock. I peeked at it and almost jumped out of my skin. 3:33 am again! I shook my husband out of a dead sleep and pointed at the clock....`See...I am not making this up! Something is happening to me!` I was so frightened. I felt like I was going insane. I made my husband walk me to the bathroom because I was so freaked out.

The next morning a began searching on the internet for the meaning of 3:33am and discovered that I am not the only person who awakens at this time. There are many theories as to why this is happening to people....too many to explain here...look it up if you are interested.

I found a website that had a bunch of beautiful verses on it...I was very drawn to them. I phoned my mom and made her go to the same website to see if she could relate the text to me in some way. She said that the text was from the Urantia Book. I had never heard of it before. She explained that she had been reading it for a few years and that it was to accompany the bible and explain how we got here and help us find our purpose.

I went to the Urantia Foundations website and signed up for a `thought to ponder` an exerpt from the Urantia Book that gets sent to your email every day. Guess what time that email gets sent to me each morning...Yep...3:33am

I took this as a sign that I had to get a copy of the Urantia Book and read it. God was trying to talk to me. I ordered a copy online and have been reading it faithfully every night.

I also took out some books from the library. One such book is called The Secret things of God. When I began reading it, a verse jumped off the page at me...Seek and you will find...I kept saying it over in my head against my own will. I ended up going onto the computer to distract myself and stumbled across another website and began reading it. Halfway down the page in big bold letters was the verse...Seek and you will find....I began to cry. God really was talking to me. I was sure of it now.

The more I read the more things in the world began to make sense to me. Nothing is coincidence. We all have a purpose and a path. We have just forgot what it is.

I was walking in the rain one day to a tanning appointment. I work with the public and was basically chatting to myself or my head. I was thinking how hard it would be to live according to the bible all the time. How hard it is to be nice and friendly to some people. Some people are just evil and you cannot make them happy no matter how hard you try. I got to the tanning place and pulled out my ipod to listen to while i tanned. The first song on my playlist was a song called wasn`t supposed to even be on my playlist and I am not sure how it got there. I thought that was very strange but didn`t really give it that much thought. When I left and began to walk home I again thought about how hard it was to be nice to all people and if i was going to give myself to God totally and follow the Bible how was I going to acheive this.

I began to walk up a hill as I was thinking this and noticed a large boulder was sitting at the top of the hill. Someone had painted the word Smile on it. All of a sudden i got it! God was telling me that I didn`t have to do anything other than smile at them!

I am not sure if any of this makes sense to anyone else but I really does to me. God is talking to me and I am listening.

1 comment:

  1. Smile!! It opens up a whole new world filled with possibilities. You become approachable and it brings joy to your life and to others.
