Sunday, November 28, 2010

Following my Path

Because of this spirtual journey that I have been on, I have been looking into churches to attend. I have never been overly religious...more spiritual than anything. I used to attend church with my grandmother as a young child and also as a teen. I enjoyed it alot but as I got older and after my grandmother died, I never pursued attending. I got busy with life and really never gave church or religion much thought.

With all that has been going on with me, I have been asking alot of questions as to how we got here, what is our purpose here on earth, etc. I attended the Anglican church down the street from my house today...and I have to tell you...I loved it!!!! I have never felt so welcome somewhere in my life! Everyone seemed so glad that I was there. Everyone was much older than i am and there was only one child in attendace but it was so much like the church I attended as a kid. I became very emotional. I volunteered for their "Be an Angel" program where you buy a present for a homeless person. I went out after church and bought socks, toiletries including shampoo, razers, shaving cream, toothpaste, mitts, hat, multiple candies and snacks, and I am also going to buy a Tim Hortons gift card to include in the gift as well. I think I must have inspired my husband because he now wants to buy 3 gifts for unfortunate kids and donate them to the police station drive here in the town where we live.

I cannot wait until next sunday! They have communion every sunday which is really neat. One of the priests there does missionary work, he introduced himself to me and started talking about how he just got back from Turkey and was going to be leaving for Africa soon. I was so taken aback by that because going to africa to volunteer and help people with Aids has been one of my life long dreams. I told him this and he said that the church was very involved with uganda and it had many connections for missionary work there.

I am just so excited right now. I feel my life changing for the better...I want to make a difference. I am hoping that is where my path is taking me.


  1. glad you found a place that was welcoming and that you felt comfortable in. it would have taken alot of courage to go.
    Love you !


  2. You have been awakened!

    You are now in the light.
    You radiate Creator's love and joy.
    A rebirth. a new beginning. s new way.
    We are here on earth to serve Creator and our goal is follow the natural laws of the earth. Watch nature and you will learn life lessons for the present past and future.

    Enjoy your existence and spread the peace and love.
    Bless you
