Thursday, December 2, 2010

At the store where I work, they are closing the bakery and are going to bring in frozen product that has to be baked instead of baking everything from scratch. Due to this, they will be getting rid of 2 fulltime people. The one lady who is getting laid off used to work as a wrapper in Meat..where i work. She tried to bump me but can't as I have a trade and have been classified in my field. There has been alot of tension in my store due to this. Alot of people do not like the bakery lady. At first I thought she was resentful of me because she could not have my job. She ended up bumping a person in grocery. she only has a year and a half left until she can retire.

The other day I went into the lunchroom. "Cara" was sitting in the room alone. I went in to have my lunch and smiled and asked her how she was doing. She replied that she was really down. She said she was upset about everything that was happening in the store and felt like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. I told her that it would pass. It was not her was no was just a really crappy situation.

She went on to say how depressed she she has no children left at home, how she sits upstairs and watches T.V and her husband sits in the basement. They have no common interests and she feels alone. she feels like something is missing.

She then turned to me and said, "As crazy as this sounds, I think I might go to church". I smiled and said, "Cara, thats so funny because I just went to church on sunday for the first time in 16 years...and it was wonderful."
We talked for a long time about it and she said she was going to go this sunday.

Its amazing when we feel unfullfilled or alone we turn to God. I really hope she finds peace with herself.

1 comment:

  1. When we open ourselves up to the people around us and listen with our hearts instead of our heads, our world begins to change. Sounds like you are in the midst of a wonderful spiritual awakening.

