Sunday, December 5, 2010

Life is Good!

So I went to church again today. I had a great time. There was alot more people there today...a few younger people as well. As soon as I walked into the church the same man who greeted me the first time I went, grabbed my hand and said, " I am so glad you came back!". This made me feel so good that he remembered me but also that I was truly welcome. I prayed today for the 2 Mikes that I worked/work with. Both are in their mid 20's and both have a bad drug problem. I asked God to forgive them and help them help themselves. They both are very smart people who could do so much with their lives.

I took my angel gift for the homeless man and left it at the church. I am hoping it goes to someone who really needs it. One of the Mikes is homeless. How ironic would it be if he received my gift?

After church during the coffee hour I sat with a man named Don and his wife Joan. Don has had 4 heart attacks but still volunteers every morning serving breakfast at the soup kitchen. He is probably in his mid 80's. How amazing is that?

After church I walked home in the snow and thought about how great life really was. In the past I only noticed the negative stuff that happened around me. I am now starting to notice that there is also alot of good in the world just have to know where to look. It seems my whole outlook on life has changed. Like something inside me has shifted. I really don't know how else to explain it and I also am not sure what caused it. All I know is that I am trying to be a more positive person. I want to be a more loving and caring person. It really is all about L.O.V.E!! MJ was right! :)

In the afternoon Andrew and I went grocery shopping. You will never guess what my total was at the checkout. Yep $333.10 This is how I know that God was listening to my prayers. AMAZING!

1 comment:

  1. glad you had a good time and that you now have a positive outlook. Love J
